The nine necks of the furious stone Huaxia suddenly sank to the left strangely, and the blue streamer brushed the neck. At the same time, a warning of Geng Jinda’s net appeared at the top of the gray robe man’s head and came directly to him.


The gray robe man’s face changed greatly, and the jade ruler and green light in his hand soared out in an instant, so he was going to grab the Geng Jin net and hold it off before tightening his body.
At this time, the harsh gas blasting sounded a black stick and suddenly fell from the top of the head in the purple real yuan.
Bang …
There was a loud noise, and the gray robe man’s jade ruler released green light, which was directly smashed by Huaxia Nine. The Geng Jin net tightly tightened the gray robe man.
The gray-robed man’s look exudes incredible colors and struggles hard, but the strong and flexible Gengjin net is obviously beyond his expectation again.
As soon as he drinks, it is difficult to move. A piece of paper will pop up in his left hand.
Then a heavy knife with a thick back suddenly appeared and cut his left hand directly.
There was a flash of hatred in the look of a scream from the gray-robed man, and a loud roar made his head suddenly appear like a virtual shadow outside the Geng Jin net, and his body did not move.
This person’s combat experience is really not weak. At the end, he decided to have an out-of-body experience.
After his soul body out-of-body experience, the jade ruler of the body flew to his soul body in an instant, and then the soul body pinched the tactic, which made Huaxia nine mind shake and felt extremely dangerous.
At this time, Huaxia Nine absorbs the soul form and is familiar with it. With his soul knowledge, the gray robe male soul form wraps Huaxia Nine’s eyebrows and gives a strong suction. The gray robe male soul form gives a panic and the soul fluctuates slightly, and then a white light enters Huaxia Nine’s eyebrows and enters the sea of Huaxia Nine’s souls.
Huaxia nine relieved and ignored the soul. There was an out-of-body soul form in the sea and looked around the black wall.
The black walls on six sides suddenly disappeared, and Huaxia Nine did not relax its vigilance and looked around.
The silence around is still in that remote alley, dozens of meters away. At the end of the alley, there is a very thin man in the same place, and he is obviously caught in a certain law.
Huaxia Nine Souls swept the whole alley and found that there was a strange smell. I was wondering that the whole alley should have been covered by the gray robe man, and it could also make people here get lost in the circle.
And the six black walls are. Don’t let the law enforcement monks in Wild Goose City sense that there is an out-of-body monk’s hands-on breath here. This is obviously not the first time that the gray-robed man has done this murder and robbery. Maybe the law enforcement monks have colluded.
Huaxia Nine quickly cleaned up the battlefield without finding danger nearby.
He picked up six palm-sized pieces of black metal from the ground and happily put them away. He planned to go back and study them carefully, and then put the gray robe male body into a bag.
He didn’t leave the horse, but went out in the same place to explore the whole alley corner by corner.
After dozens of breaths, he found six flags from the two ends of the lane and the houses on both sides, and then knocked out the thin man who was circling in the early days of Dan.
Then his body wriggled into a strong man of about 30 years old and left the lane to cross the street.
Huaxia nine soon after the knock dizzy skinny man suddenly opened his eyes with a palpitation and glad color walked to the gate of the wild goose.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-four Puppet number seven
The thin man went out of town to pick a jade ornament worn by his neck in a remote place.
A strange scene appeared. As the jade ornaments were picked, the thin man’s figure remained the same, but his face suddenly changed and he became another person. It was the thin dog who had a life-and-death hatred with Huaxia Nine.
The thin dog walked into the depths of the forest hundreds of meters and appeared in front of a dying old man with a black robe.
The black-robed old man sat on a tree stump with a diameter of three meters long and a height of five meters, and slowly opened his eyes, which was silent and indifferent.
Ranging from the old man with a black robe and a thin dog, he has already knelt down and said, "Senior! Huaxia Jiu has just retired from the Wild Goose Inn. It is very likely that he will leave the Wild Goose City tonight. Besides, he can be physically deformed now. When I last saw him, he was a strong man. This was his back and he didn’t see it. "
Words He took out a picture-taking jade slip and handed it to the old man in black.